What is RDM

RDM Exchange built a platform to buy and sell Crypto currency easily.

The RDM token ecosystem is a way to recognize the importance of deconstructing this long-established paradigm. Communities are held together by hundreds, if not thousands, of interconnected moments. We have realized that true strength does not come from us alone. We have started the development of the RDM token ecosystem in earnest.

RDM Token adopts a 3-layer architecture divided into Storage Layer, Core Layer, and Application Layer. The RDM Token BEP-20 addresses to Google Protobuf, which intrinsically supports multi-language extension.

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New Features

The Crypto Features

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text ever sincehar the 1500s, when an unknownshil printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries.


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Main Features

The Crypto Features

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text ever sincehar the 1500s, when an unknownshil printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries.

Safe & Secure

Exchange has several security features such as two-factor authentication and device restrictions.

24/7 Trading

Users can take advantage of low trading fees, a generously wide range of leverage, and high liquidity to perform their trades.


BNB Chain is a community-driven blockchain software system with developers and contributors from all over the world.

Fast Transaction

the better the customer satisfaction and provides more system availaibility and faster process.

RDM Token

Our RDM Exchange Mission & Vision

RDM TOKEN is an ambitious project dedicated to establishing a truly decentralized Internet and its infrastructure to enter the new World of web 3.0. The RDM TOKEN is based on the BINANCE Blockchain system, one of the most extensively used blockchain systems in the World.

To build the most passionate & viral community in crypto till now and has its electricity-free mining crypto token sustainable environment and create a better place to live.

A standard of a crypto token on the BNB platform. Specific rules and interfaces are required when holding an initial coin offering on the BINANCE SMART blockchain.

What is RDM

RDM Exchange built a platform to buy and sell crypto currency.

The project built on the foundation of community involvement is the act of coming together to make a change. As we move away from stringent financial structures and traditional mindsets, we become free to detect and discover new ways to solve new problems and relate to one another. It is a way to get people invested in their surroundings and create a sense of belonging. Community involvement can take many forms, but it always has the same goal: to make the World a better place. When we come together to work on technology, it not only change others' life but also drastically change ours.

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RDM Token

Our RDM Exchange Values

We consider clarity of thought to be the most necessary trait we look for in our colleagues. We look concise and articulate, putting effort into making things simple and easy to understand.

We always find a solution to get things done with what's available in real-time, but we aren't afraid of asking for help when needed. We believe great ideas can come from anywhere, regardless of seniority and experience.

We never give up, progress together in hard times, and recognize grit in our colleagues. We believe in building a strong and coherent team to create a worldchanging company but also understand that it's a monumental task to carry out, but we love every minute of the process.


Ecosystem key features

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text ever sincehar the 1500s, when an unknownshil printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries.

Safe & Secure
Excerpt Tokens
Easy Payment
Smart App

Stacking token

The stacking token you are referring to is likely a cryptocurrency that offers staking rewards. Staking is a process of locking up your tokens in order to participate in the network's consensus mechanism. In return for staking, you will earn rewards, which are typically paid out in more tokens.

6/12 months -4%

The specific staking rewards offered by the token you are referring to are -4% for a 6-12 month staking period.

18/24 months -5%

The specific staking rewards offered by the token you are referring to are -5% for a 18-24 month staking period.


RDM Roadmap

2022 - Feb

Project Planning meetup
Launch Website
Partnerships with gamers

2022 - March

Launch of whitepaper
Development of RDM gaming protocol

2022 - July

Token Launch on binance smart chain

2022 - Dec

Launch our first game verification bscscan.org

2023 - Feb

Game integration with RDM token
launch 2 games with RDM integration

2023 - April

Partnership with metaverse

2023 - Aug

RDM NFT launch

Executive Advisor


CEO, RDM Exchange


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